

When you place an order you will receive a confirmation email detailing the ordered items, your shipping information and the payment. If you didn't receive the confirmation email within 24 hours, please check your spam folder before contacting us.

 We will notify you by email, when we have shipped your order.

Payment method: Paypal / credit card / debit card


- All orders are packaged by ourselves in our sculptor's atelier in Madrid Spain and will be shipped within 2-4 days since the order was placed. it can take longer during peak periods (holiday seasons, sales, etc...).
- You'll receive a notification email with a tracking number once your order has shipped out.
- We ship worldwide. If your Country is not mentioned in checkout, please contact us for a shippingrate.
We usually use the Spanish post services. Certificate option with international tracking service.

Shipping Costs

You can see in checkout your actual cost before the order is finished, so please see in checkout your actual shipping cost.

Estimated delivery:

- Spain: 1-2 business days after shipping
- Europe: 5-10 business days after shipping
- Usa: 7-15 business days after shipping
- Latin America: 10-40 business days after shipping
- Rest of the world: 10-30 business days after shipping

Cancelling Order

Under the European Consumer Protection Act you have a right to cancel your purchase. However, to exercise this right you must notify us in writing by sending us an email within 14 days from the day after you received your order. No right of cancellation, refund or return exists under the Consumer Protection Law once you have used your product, unless the product is defective and you are returning it for this reason. We will refund the purchase price of a returned product within thirty days of receiving written notification of your intention to return the product. We will also refund the cost of postage incurred returning a product if incorrectly sent by us or where the product has been returned due to a defect.